[Asian Food] Fried Rice with Kimchi (Recipe Included)

Have you heard of Korean Bibimbop, Korean Bulgogi Taco, or Kimchi-Bulgogi Hot Dog? If you live in New York, you might have at least heard of them. (I noticed almost a lot of New Yorkers are foodies!) There is a rise in popularity of Korean food especially among New Yorkers. Even some of the most popular fine dining restaurant chefs are intrigued by it. They visit South Korea to taste the real Korean food and get inspired. It used to be only Korean Americans and Korean international students in NYC who enjoyed a yumminess of Korean food at restaurants in K-Town. This is no longer the case. We see more and more fine dining restaurant chefs who started to experiment with it and add some Korean flavor to their dish.

One of the most common dishes in Korea is Kimchi. It’s not even a dish itself. It’s more like a side dish you can have with your main dish. Kimchi goes well not just with Korean dishes but also with American, Japanese, Chinese, French… you name it. You can eat Kimchi separately as a side dish or use Kimchi as one of the ingredients for your dish. I personally like both. Yummm!

My favorite Korean dish which has Kimchi in it as an ingredient is Kimchi Fried Rice.


I’m a huge fan of fried rice. I love Japanese,Chinese, Thai, and even Vietnamese versions of  fried rice. Fried rice is the best.Asian.food ever. With Kimchi in it, it gets even better.

When you eat a typical Asian fried rice (as a main dish), you often need some side dishes or other main dishes to eat with it because fried rice itself is not salty, sweet, or spicy. You need something to spice it up a little bit. Kimchi is the best ingredient for this!

Before you start cooking fried rice, start with Kimchi. Cut Kimchi into small pieces and put them all into your pan. (Heat the pan, add the oil, as usual.) You stir fry them until they start changing their color (between red and brown). Then, you add all other ingredients into the pan and make fried rice as you did before. You can also add some Kimchi juice (red liquid included in your Kimchi pack) to your fried rice as you are cooking. Adding Kimchi to your fried rice will make the dish look RED and taste spicy! It tastes heavenly.

Caveat: If you put too much Kimchi in there, it will get too spicy.

My other favorite Kimchi dishes are Kimchi Jigae and Kimchi Bulgogi, and I will share my recipes in later posts. What do you think about Korean food? Do you like them? Share your favorite K-dish by leaving a comment below!:)


Bio: Emily is the marketing director at Funfundate, a social matching game dedicated to connecting people with like-minded singles nearby in a stress-free, fun way. She likes to cook, travel, and read books.

Inspirational Quotes of the Week

We all need some quotes to help us to get inspired once in a while. It’s remarkable how a few words can sometimes cheer people up, make them happy, or even change their perspectives. It’s something that every human being on the Internet needs in order to give themselves a break from reality and reflect on their life. This week’s inspirational quotes are as follows:


Believe there’s good in the world.


Today, you are you.


Love will always cost you grief. Love is always worth the price.


Being fab is the BEST revenge.

(->My favorite quote!)

Cheer Up everyone! Have a great week.



P.S. I also post quotes on Facebook, like this one: fb.me/GtlnqnN3. LIKE the FB page, and you will be able to get quotes on your timeline! 🙂

(Image credits: http://www.pinterest.com/emilyjsweet)

[Weekly OMFG] Who would Taylor Swift pick for her next date?

Hmmmm….. I Pick Leo because he was very charming in the Great Gatsby, but after I watch Star Trek, I might change my mind!

I should probably start posting movie reviews. Watching movies is one of my favorite weekend activities. I watch at least one movie a week!

P.S. The Great Gatsby was okay, not as good as a book (No Surprise!), but Leo was really really cute.


[Weekly OMFG] Who would Taylor Swift pick for her next date?

Leonardo Dicaprio VS. Chris Pine!!

Vote at http://fb.me/1reLYWBso and share your picks with your friends!


Image Credit: FFD Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/funfundate)

Migrate my blog or not? :)

I own several blogs, but WordPress.com seems to provide the most convenient solution. I can play with some features that are not provided by other solutions. I used to own a website powered by WordPress.org, and WordPress.com seems to have the same type of Dashboard with which I’m quite familiar. I’m considering moving my Blogspot blog to WordPress. Do you think it would be a good idea? Well, maybe I should post on both blogs and see which one I like better. Blogger is not very easy to use and get used to, as opposed to WordPress.

Oh well, I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend if you’re in the U.S. 🙂

Have a great day! 🙂
